Salman Khan was appreciated by Maharashtra CM Uddhav Thackeray for donating 1 lakh sanitisers to Mumbai Police. Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray thanked him on Twitter and wrote, "Thank you @BeingSalmanKhan for providing 1Lakh Hand Sanitizers to our @MumbaiPolice #WarAgainstVirus." The superstar also acknowledged the Maharashtra CM and wrote, "Thank u @CMOMaharashtra @Iamrahulkanal @MumbaiPolice #IndiaFightsCorona."
Thank u ? @CMOMaharashtra @Iamrahulkanal @MumbaiPolice #IndiaFightsCorona https://t.co/GtBL3UrTWC
Salman Khan (@BeingSalmanKhan) May 30, 2020
As you might be aware, the actor is currently stranded at his Panvel farmhouse. Around a month ago, he released a video in which he was seen distributing food to the needy.
There were reports saying that his production house, Salman Khan Films is casting for some new projects. They left Salman Khan rather angry and upset. He took to twitter and wrote, "This is to clarify that neither I nor Salman Khan Films are casting for any film currently. We have not hired any casting agents for any of our future films. Please do not trust any emails or messages received by you for this purpose. Legal action will be taken if any party is found falsely using SKF or my name in any unauthorised manner." He gave the message a direct caption, "Mat karo rumours pe trust.... #staysafe."
Mat karo rumours pe trust.... #staysafe @SKFilmsOfficial pic.twitter.com/fP83TRrePa
Salman Khan (@BeingSalmanKhan) May 13, 2020
The actor has also been releasing videos in this lockdown period. He released one called Tere Bina which also featured Jacqueline Fernandez. He said that he had had this song with him for some time now but couldn't find a fit for its release in his films. "Back home in Bandra, we have a neighbour, Ajju (Ajay) Bhatia, who would keep asking me to sing for him. So far, I have sung four songs for him. Tere Bina is one of those. It wasn't fitting into any of my films, so we decided to release it now," the Bharat actor revealed to an online entertainment portal.
Source link
source https://earn8online.com/index.php/10725/maharashtra-cm-uddhav-thackeray-appreciates-salman-khan-for-donating-1-lakh-sanitisers-to-mumbai-police/
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