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How To Go Back To the Gym after COVID-19

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Going back to the gym has been talked around our table as my husband determines whether or not he’s comfortable going back to the gym.

You may be having the same thoughts. Going back to the gym, should I go or should I stay home and stick with your at-home workout routine?

If you’re anything like my husband, he went to “check out” the gym when it opened.

He wanted to see what measures have been taken and see if it was overly crowded. The treadmills were open every other one; weights marked every 6 feet. Hand sanitizer is at every turn, and signs that all equipment is sanitized are also present.

However, the pool, basketball court, classes, and other group activities were open. And according to my husband is back to normal. People at the pool, playing basketball and other activities.

He said some people had masks and some didn’t. He, however, was going to wear a mask for now. He has made the decision to return but goes fairly early in the morning and is in and out.

I prefer doing yoga and meditation and walking in a nearby trail as my “gym.” The following article was sent to me, and it’s written by Durisan, experts in the sanitization industry.

I hope this helps you in making your decision in returning to your gym routine.

My Gym Just Reopened – Now What?

By Durisan

In the age of COVID-19, gyms have been forced to close around the country. Now, as many are reopening for the first time since the beginning of the pandemic, gym staff have to make sure they’re following recommended guidelines for social distancing and ensuring proper cleaning and sanitization.

If the situation is getting better in your area and your gym has just reopened, you’re probably wondering whether or not you should resume your previous workout schedule. We’re sharing some advice on how to stay safe, but bear in mind that the situation is always changing. The pandemic might be better or worse in your area. You should avoid going to the gym unless and until the situation is stable enough in your area and the local regulations tell you it’s safe.

Do a Safety Check

The most important thing is to verify that your gym is following the current guidelines and rules in your area. You’ll also want to see that they’re properly cleaning the equipment and allowing a limited number of people inside.

If all of the above is in accordance with the rules, make sure you’re also careful with your own hygiene.

Good Hygiene Habits for Gym Goers

Lower your chances of contracting any bacterial, viral or fungal infections by doing the following:

  • Wash your hands properly before and after the workout. Use soap and warm running water, washing for at least 20 seconds and rinsing well afterward. Then dry with a clean towel or unused paper.
  • Don’t touch your face in the gym to avoid exposure to any germs you come in contact with during the workout.
  • Sanitize your hands if you can’t wash them. Rub your hands well and thoroughly and let them dry completely before doing anything.
  • Make sure the equipment you’re using is clean. Even if the gym is cleaning and sanitizing assiduously, you should still use a spray or a wipe to clean them on your own.
  • Shower as soon as possible after your workout. As soon as you reach home, toss your gym clothes in the washer and hop in the shower. Avoid resting on the sofa in your gym clothes or before you are showered and clean.
  • Never share personal care items like towels, water bottles, brushes, make-up, or soaps with other people in the gym.

The Bottom Line

Follow good hygiene habits and take care of yourself to stay healthy at your gym. Remember that you should avoid the gym if you’re worried the current situation still isn’t safe enough yet.

I hope this article provides you with some precautions to take while getting back to your gym routine. Stay safe and be mindful of sanitizing your hands and gym equipment.

I wish you peace and guidance on your journey. Take care and be well.

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