Kangana Ranaut blocked Sona Mohapatra on Twitter after the singer called out the actress’ ‘selective feminism’ comment on Anushka Sharma. Now, Kangana’s sister Rangoli Chandel has reacted to the same on her Instagram handle. Taking to her Instagram story, Rangoli shared a post that read, ‘Sona Ji I don’t even know who you are and what you do but I keep seeing you on Kangana’s google page all the time commenting on everything that she says. Kangana loves responding to trolls who stimulate her intellectually or emotionally. What will she talk to you about? You have nothing to offer her. She can’t stand below average junk. @sonamohapatra’
Check out the post here:
Sona had taken to her Twitter handle to share the news of Kangana blocking her with her fans. She wrote, ‘Kangana hasn’t ever stood up for anyone but her own self & hasn’t acknowledged anyone who has cheered her in any case. That’s not a change maker or even thought leader of any worth. Yes, she’s been brave to call out some of the industry’s ills. That’s all. Will call her bluff.’
Recently, in an interview with a news portal, Sona had said that Kangana has become the monster she was fighting. According to her, she bullies and tends to take away other people’s credit. She stated that there seems to be a very personal agenda which she can empathise with. Mohapatra also feels that she is projecting herself to be a representative of everything which is Hindu and cultural and she can see a whole lot of hypocrisy in this.
Check out the post here:
Sona had taken to her Twitter handle to share the news of Kangana blocking her with her fans. She wrote, ‘Kangana hasn’t ever stood up for anyone but her own self & hasn’t acknowledged anyone who has cheered her in any case. That’s not a change maker or even thought leader of any worth. Yes, she’s been brave to call out some of the industry’s ills. That’s all. Will call her bluff.’
Recently, in an interview with a news portal, Sona had said that Kangana has become the monster she was fighting. According to her, she bullies and tends to take away other people’s credit. She stated that there seems to be a very personal agenda which she can empathise with. Mohapatra also feels that she is projecting herself to be a representative of everything which is Hindu and cultural and she can see a whole lot of hypocrisy in this.
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source https://earn8online.com/index.php/103262/rangoli-chandel-reacts-to-kangana-ranaut-blocking-sona-mohapatra-on-twitter-she-cant-stand-below-average-junk-hindi-movie-news/
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