Many things are needed for cooking in the kitchen, one of which is the mixer, which reduces the ease of doing many tasks for housewives. In today's time, women cannot even imagine their kitchen without a mixer. Given the importance of the mixer, it is also necessary to maintain it properly. So today in this episode, we have brought some tips related to its use for you so that it can support you for a long time without hindrance.
- While running the mixer, keep hands on the lid of the jar while giving light pressure.
- Never fill the jar of the mixer for more than half. Running a jar more than half full, there is a lot of pressure on the machine of Paramixar and things do not grind properly i.e. the fat remains thick.
- Remove the plug of the mixer after use. The current will continue to flow when the plug is in place, affecting the functionality of the mixer.
- Use the habit of washing, wiping the mixer immediately after use.
- Return the jar properly before running the mixer otherwise there is a risk of the blade breaking.
- Never grind anything hot in the mixer.
- Do not start the mixer at full speed nor close it at full speed, because doing so puts more stress on the machine and runs the risk of damage.
- If you want your mixer to work with you for a long time, then always run it like this - slow, medium, fast. Then close fast to medium, medium to slow, and slow.
- After grinding any wet thing, finally put water in the mixer and run once so that the things stuck in its blade are easily cleaned.
- Run the mixer for only 10 to 15 minutes at a time. If more things are to be ground, then grind again the next day.
When the mixer is done, pack it in its pack and keep it in a safe place away from the reach of children.
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source https://earn8online.com/index.php/105542/a-mixer-makes-many-kitchen-tasks-easy-maintain-it-with-the-help-of-these-tips/
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