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16 Health Coach Blogs to Follow


If you type “health coach blogs” into a search engine, you get millions of results—that is a bit overwhelming, to say the least. How do you choose who to invest your time with? You most likely found this article because you follow Chris Kresser and the Kresser Institute and have benefited from our blog articles. In this article, we are paying it forward and sharing 16 blogs created by ADAPT-Certified Functional Health Coaches (A-CFHC). Everyone listed here is forwarding our mission of changing the paradigm of healthcare, inspiring optimum wellness, and reversing chronic disease through health coaching.

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16 ADAPT Health Coaches and Their Blogs

Looking to dive deeper into the world of health coaching? Check out these 16 health coaching blogs from ADAPT-Certified Functional Health Coaches. #iamachangeagent #wellness #kresserinstitute

Abbey Blackwell

Abbey asks: Do you want to skip over the BS and confusion?

Abbey shares simple, nutrient-dense whole foods recipes. Visitors to her website can choose from Paleo-friendly, Whole30, ketogenic, vegan, gluten-free, dairy-free, refined sugar-free, and soy-free recipes—many of which take 30 minutes or less to make. She prioritizes simple and fresh ingredients that she takes great care in selecting.

Recent articles: Paleo recipes including cilantro lime cauliflower rice, sloppy joe sweet potatoes, and banana protein muffins

Amanda Miklos

Amanda asks: Do you want to be a less grouchy mama?

Amanda says life is short, make it sweet! She offers her unique perspective and helps busy, stressed, overtired moms make their health and happiness a priority so they can be present with their families and live a life they love. She found her way back to a healthy body, mind, and soul and inspires her clients to do the same.

Recent articles: Love yourself as much as your kids, get energized for exercise, and the power of gratitude

Ann Kasunich

Ann says: Choice is power, choose wisely

The Well Chosen Lifestyle Foundation Principles work together to provide a framework for making conscious choices in creating the ideal life. Ann understands the myriad of responsibilities that her clients face—they are tired, stressed, and unfit, and feel off-track and not “good enough.” She works with her clients who seek to improve their well-being and develop strategies to stand in their power and live their choices in full.

Recent articles: The Dorito effect, trying to hold everything together, nourishment and nutrition and cooking

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David Shen

David asks: Are you trying to reach optimal health but finding it difficult?

Working together with his clients, David explores and unlocks the resourcefulness they all possess. He empowers lasting change toward healthier living. He works collaboratively with clients to examine their current life and supports their efforts to choose a path toward their optimal life. He encourages a journey of self-discovery where his clients discover that all is possible. He believes they already have all they need to accomplish their goals!

Recent articles: Anxiety reduction, overeating, and coaching the feeling first

Elise Knox

Co-founder of Health Coaches Without Borders

Elise asks: Do you want to reconnect to your heart, be confident in your body, and live a vibrant life?

Elise helps her clients reconnect to their inner wisdom. She believes deep down under the many layers, we all know what’s best for our body. She believes that we all know how to truly feel joy and passion and deeply connected to self, life, and loved ones. She is patient with her clients as it takes time to peel back the layers they have built from years of not trusting themselves—the years of comparison, and listening to other people telling them what’s best. She helps clients gain clarity on what they want from this life and how they truly want to feel.

Recent articles: How to change your inner dialogue, your body is your guide, and quieting the noise in your head

Ellen Jaworski

Ellen asks: Is there a right way and a wrong way for busy women to approach weight loss?

As a health coach and speaker, Ellen’s passion is to help busy, successful women avoid the weight loss mistakes that she made. Instead, she guides her clients toward their weight loss goals by emphasizing healthy habits. She inspires women to integrate these habits and feel their best inside and out without adding more to their to-do lists.

Recent articles: Paleo foods you can find at Target and Costco, plus mouth-watering Paleo-inspired recipes

Eric Ho

International Enrollment Advisor, Kresser Institute

Eric asks: Where do you rank on your personal to-do list?

Eric helps his clients go from busy to thriving. Despite being intelligent beings, he believes that humans have lost touch with how they naturally thrive. Human ancestors were once in tune with their environment, knowing instinctively what to do. But, he shares, stress and lifestyle choices have thrown us out of balance. He helps successful professionals reprogram and get back to living as nature intended, with vitality and free of chronic disease.

Recent articles: Is your mental health suffering, how to respond to challenging events, plus perfectly poached eggs

Erica Evans

Adapt180 Health™ Health Coach

Erica asks: How healthy is your relationship with your phone?

Erica says there are no shortcuts to vibrant health and pain-free living. She also emphasizes that having support can make it an easier process. Behavior changes were key to her recharged energy, revitalized skin, solved digestive discomfort, and eased period symptoms. She was able to make diet and lifestyle changes and believes that the best way to make progress is to have someone in your corner backing you up.

Recent articles: Smartphones, stress, and sex; estrogen dominance; and chronic pain

Joel Perez

Joel asks: How can I help you achieve, optimize, and thrive?

Joel has an experimental mindset that’s been inspired by the coaches he has worked with over his lifetime. He credits them with helping him regain his own health. He is paying that forward with his clients. He motivates them toward achieving mental clarity and a sense of control over their health.

Recent articles: Two ways to be your own fitness tracker, keto workouts, and a mindful approach to dealing with stress

Kelli Saginak

Mentor Coach and Content Specialist, Kresser Institute

Kelli asks: Are you tired of using food to cope with your emotions?

Kelli helps courageous women stop emotional, out-of-control, disordered eating, and live their best life ever. She also helps clients stop mentally and emotionally self-sabotaging their lives because of anxiety and a messed up relationship with food. She teaches women to be kinder to themselves and to stop letting their mind and emotions wreak havoc on their bodies, nervous system, and health. She offers her support to help her clients feel less anxious, heal their relationship with food, and live their best life.

Recent articles: How to feel less anxious, how to feel more mindful, and unlocking your capacity to change

Lindsay Duck

Lindsay asks: What are you hoping to get out of health coaching?

Lindsay’s personal experiences and subtle shifts to her own lifestyle have empowered her to be a supportive, aware, and present coach. There is no exclusivity to health and wellness; she believes that there is a wealth of vibrancy awaiting anyone who seeks it. She offers her inspiration and guidance to those who want to journey toward their potential.

Recent articles: How to support your immune system, defining self-care, and how to boost your mood naturally

Louise Buckley

Adapt180 Health™ Health Coach

Louise asks: What is your biggest gut goal?

Louise helps her clients navigate digestive challenges. She knows firsthand how scary, frustrating, and isolating it is to make changes on your own. She offers her support and helps clients get their lives back through small but impactful diet and lifestyle changes. She guides, motivates, and challenges her clients to embrace the steps that will move them toward better gut health and an empowered life.

Recent articles: The scoop on poop, how to keep your colon happy, and why apple cider vinegar is your BFF

MaryAnn Jones

Wellness Content Specialist and Enrollment Advisor, Kresser Institute

I ask: How can I help you thrive?

I believe we all have unlimited potential to change our habits and thrive. I would describe myself as a “recovering picky eater.” I changed my habits to free myself from fatigue, migraines, and irritable bowel syndrome. I offer my support, inspiration, awareness, and attention to motivate my clients to take simple steps that lead to their optimal vision of wellness.

Recent articles: Mindful self-talk, me matters, and how to drive toward habit change

Meredith Amann

Meredith asks: How can we experience our life with health and joy?

Improving health, fitness, mobility, self-regulation, and wellness is really about self-awareness, a shift in perspective, and changing behaviors that, while at one point may have been useful, we no longer need. Meredith believes that her clients are the number one expert on themselves and that her role is simply to enhance what is already there. She is highly trained in behavior change and asks powerful questions to help others find their own answers.

Recent articles: The secret to staying young, notes from a virtual dissection, and the power of listening

Sandy Swanson

Sandy asks: Self-care—WTF is it?

Sandy learned that healing the gut is paramount and that diet is key. She revamped and reworked her own diet, sleep habits, and lifestyle, following the autoimmune protocol (AIP) diet. The AIP diet was a lifesaver for her. Her experience and empathy make her an ideal guide to support her clients as they make their own healing journey.

Recent articles: Reintroducing foods after AIP, the AIP diet and the pandemic, emotional clogs

Will Welch

Enrollment Manager, Kresser Institute

Will asks: What would today be like if you had more calm, energy, and focus?

For years, Will paid little attention to his health. He didn’t consider the long-term consequences. He had a thriving professional life but no time to build healthier habits. He became a health coach in part because of his struggles with balancing success and burnout. Over time, he found a formula for success that promoted his health. He now shares his strategies with clients as they take stock of the toll their work-life is having on their health and well-being.

Recent articles: Break away from burnout, starting your day with a simple action, and how to work smarter

Wellness has a voice and a powerful message, and these A-CFHCs are getting the word out. Perhaps one of their blog posts will inspire you to take the next step toward your best self and your career as a health coach.

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