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Ashwagandha for anxiety disorders – WOMS


What is ashwagandha and anxiety disorder?

As we all know anxiety is one of the burning issue of today’s world. Anxiety disorders is a mental disorders which is characterized by significant feeling of fear and anxiety. Do you know there is an Indian herb named as ashwagandha, used as herbal medicine for anxiety disorders? If not then let’s look into ashwagandha for anxiety disorders.

Anxiety is a type of an emotion. It is one of the way your brain reacts to stress that you are undergoing or the stress you might go through. It is normal to be anxious as everyone feels in their day to day life. You will worry for your upcoming test or for you interview and it is normal. But when there is constant anxiety and fear then it will lead to mental illness called as anxiety disorders.

Anything in extreme is not normal so in the same way extreme anxiety is also not good it will lead you to avoid such events and things that will cause you extreme anxiety and it will only worsen with time.

There are mainly 6 major types of anxiety disorders. The major causes of anxiety disorders are stressful life situation like death.

Ashwagandha is an Indian small shrub which is evergreen and mainly grows in the middle east parts of India and some parts of Africa. The root and the berry of ashwagandha is used as the medicine for anxiety disorders. It has various other benefits to one’s health too.

How does ashwagandha work?

This Indian herbal shrub contains chemicals that help calming the brain, reducing inflammation, lower blood pressure, and also alter the immune system.

How does ashwanghdha work for anxiety disorders?

Ashwangandha have a chemical that have a strongest calming effect than a sedative and anti-anxiety medicationdrug lorazepam.

The study was conducted in the mice. In the study, 2000 suggests that ashwagandhahad a comparable effect to reduce anxiety with lorazepam , suggesting an effective shrubs for reducing anxiety.

There was a human study in 2019, which researcher found that taking 240 mg (milligrams) of ashwangdha in a daily dose reduces people’s stress levels when it was compared with a placebo. Placebo is an inactive treatment that may be available in form of pills, tablet or injections. It is sometimes called as sugar pill. This study also includes reducing the levels of a stress hormone which is cortisol

Another study conducted in same year in humans suggests that taking 250 mg or 600mg of ashwagandha per day showed that the self reported stress levels were lower and cortisone level too.

Disclaimer: Althought this research is promising but scientists need to collect much more promising evidence or data before recommending this shrub to treatanxiety disorder.

Other health benefits of using ashwanghada

There are number of health benefits provided byashwagandha. It doesn’t only help to reduce stress but also has positive effect in brain and body. Some of the condition in which ashwaghanda can be used are as listed below:

  1. Arthritis
  2. Heart health:
  3. It is used in reducing high blood pressure
  4. Reducing hyperlipidemia
  5. Easing chest pain
  6. Preventing other heart diseases
  7. And also for preventing heart diseases
  8. Alzheimer’s diseases
  9. Diabetes
  10. Skin conditions
  11. Fatigue
  12. Epilepsy
  13. Cancer

How to take ashwagandha

There are no standard dosages for ashwaganda based on the modern clinical trials. The dosages is based on the route the people take it and the illness and the disease they are targeting to treat.

Different research and studies shows different dosages. 250-600 mg of ashwanghda per day can reduce stress has been stated in some studies while some suggest using higher dosages.

It is available in either capsule form or powder form and the liquid extract. The capsule formulation often contain between 250 mg, and 1500 mg of ashwagandha.

It is best to talk with a BAMS professional or other related health professional about the safety and dosage before talking any new herbal supplements, including ashwangandha.

You might wonder if there are any side effects of ashwangandha.

In small-to-medium dosages people can usually tolerate ashwagandha. But talking large amounts can lead to GI tract irritation, digestive upset, diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting. This is usually due to intestinal irritation.

Contraindicated in the use of Ashwaganda:

  1. Stomach ulcer: It is advised not to take Ashwaganda if you have a stomach ulcer as it can irritate your GI tract.
  2. In pregnancy: It is not advised to take during pregnancy cause it might cause miscarriage. Though sufficient research has not been done. So, it better to avoid during brestfeeding and preganancy.
  3. Thyroid disorders: If increases thyroid levels so, if you have thyroid disorders it is good to avoid it.
  4. Surgery: If you are going to have surgery the medical personnel will advise to discontinue it 2 weeks prior to the surgery.


Ashwaganda is an important herb present in the ayurvedic medicine. It is also one of the safest herbal treatment. Some studies suggest ashwaganda having a wide rage of health benefits. Mainly it is used for for anxiety disorder and also for improving arthritis.

It is suggested that pregnant women with pre-existing health conditions must consult the health professional before using it.

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