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Fun Facts About Thanksgiving Pie


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Who doesn’t love Thanksgiving pie!? There are so many different pies out there that surely there is one that is your favorite.

The following article was sent to me to learn how your favorite pie may offer health benefits. Something fun to think about while you’re getting your slice this Thanksgiving: of course, pie has various other ingredients like sugar that can make it not so healthy. So read the following in jest.

It’s November, which means it’s time to start prepping your Thanksgiving food list. And, of course, there is one thing that list cannot go without…pie! With all the delicious choices available, which one will you choose? 

Bestselling author, TEDx speaker and former immunologist turned mind-body wellness expert, Jaya Jaya Myra, says what you pick should be based on the mind-body health outcome you’re looking for. 

Jaya Jaya Myra says, “Foods have an incredible range of mind-body benefits! Everything from weight loss or gain, stress relief, improved cognitive function, increased willpower and more joy can all be facilitated by what you eat. This holiday season, make food your superpower, not your enemy.”

Want to know about your favorite Thanksgiving pie? Here’s a few fun facts you probably didn’t know:

Pumpkin Pie

Pumpkin is an amazingly nutritious food that due to its nutrient density and low-calorie count can help you lose weight! That is, of course, if you don’t pack your pie with too much sugar. It’s also loaded with lots of vitamins to help boost immunity, and the vitamin A, lutein, and zeaxanthin can improve eyesight. Eyesight, emotionally speaking is connected to clarity and focus, so consuming pumpkin can also help you regain focus on important matters and boost emotional health. Pumpkin is also known to promote skin health due to its high vitamin C content. If you’re looking for a nutritious dessert or counting calories or just looking for clarity and inspiration, the pumpkin pie is your best bet. 

Pecan Pie

Pecans are a great source of calcium, potassium, and magnesium, all of which can help lower blood pressure. They may also help prevent stroke and coronary artery disease due to their ability to reduce LDL (bad) cholesterol levels and improve HDL (good) cholesterol levels. They are also high in fiber, which promotes better elimination, regulates blood sugar, and is food for the gut microbiome, which as we know, is directly connected to mental health and wellbeing. 

Speaking of mental health, like other nuts, pecans may improve cognitive function and memory. Another fun fact, teh L-arginine amino acid found in abundance may even help promote hair growth, where it’s iron content can help combat hair loss! If you’re feeling overall tense, angry or in need of some winding down, the pecan pie may be your best choice from a mind body perspective.

Sweet Potato Pie

Sweet potato in ayurveda is considered a rasayana, or rejuvenative food. It helps bolster energy and rejuvenate on a mind body and spirit level, filling in gaps wherever you have them. When you look at their nutrient profile, this will probably come as no surprise. They are an excellent source of vitamins, minerals, and fiber and have been linked with gut health and better mood (thank you microbiome food and the gut-brain connection), stronger immune response, improved brain health, and function, and so much more, including anti-cancer properties! If you’re stressed out, burned out, fatigued, or run down, the sweet potato pie is a pick-me-up not to pass over this holiday season.

Of course, we’re talking pie here! These all have lots of sugar and other ingredients to eat sparingly, so make sure to indulge in moderation.

Thanksgiving is going to be different for most of us this year. You can make the best of it by keeping with some of your traditions. My Thanksgiving will be just my immediate family, husband, and kids only.

Not having our extended family here will be different for sure. Still, I am looking forward to spending time lying around all day in our pajamas, preferably. Watching the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade (which is also different this year) is my tradition. And eating when we feel like it.

We won’t be ruled by the clock and guests’ arrival this year, which will bring some added stress relief.

Please take time and enjoy your family and friends. Rather than focusing on not having a large gathering. Focus on the more intimate setting you’ll be having this year. Find what to be grateful for too. After all, that is what Thanksgiving is all about. Giving thanks for what we have and, frankly, who we have. 🙏💕

Happy Thanksgiving! Have a slice of your favorite pie. My fav is pumpkin pie. Let me know what your favorite pie is below.

Take care and be well.

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