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November 2020 Feng Shui Xuan Kong Flying Star Analysis


November 2020 Xuan Kong Flying Star analysis
November 2020 10th Month Ding Hai (Yin Fire Pig)
Starts from 7th November 2020 to 6th December 2020


Is 2020 going as well as it could be?

November 2020 Flying star example

Example Feng Shui Flying Star chart for a home facing 355 north in November 2020

What do we do with this information?

In every building, there are good and bad palaces which affect our daily lives. How and who gets affected (good or bad) depends on who occupies which area of the home or business. The best Cure is to be aware of the influences each month and know how to capitalise on the beneficial energies or avoid the unfavourable influences either through enhancers or cures or avoidance. Knowing the effects of the influences allows us to take appropriate measures and actions to calm interactions.

So, do not get too worried when you come across a particularly bad sector – sometimes with thought, care and the appropriate elements, we can balance any conflict of energies or compensate the lack of an element to bring harmony to a palace. If a palace is particularly bad, avoidance is the best cure. Please do not panic when you find that your bedroom is located in an affected sector for the month. This is only a temporary influence and can be avoided.

  • Use the beneficial areas more and the areas of negative influences less. For example, if the living room is affected by conflicting energies, try not to play loud music in this room for the month. By keeping the area quiet, you successfully manipulate the effect of the energies.
  • If possible, use another door if your main door is affected this month.
  • Use the good sectors to solve existing problems whether they concern relationships or money matters.

If your main door is affected and this is the only door you have on your property, you should take extra care in what you do during the affected month. You will know it may not be a good time to take risks and also to take extra care of your health.

Xuan Kong Flying Stars November 2020:

November 2020 Flying star chart

From the 7th of November to the 6th of December 2020, it is the tenth month Ding Hai (Yin Fire Pig) of the Geng Zi year (Yang Water Horse) with the ruling energy of #8 in the central grid.

I have tried to write the October flying stars related to what we are going through in the world right now and will be writing this with those of us going through self-isolation in mind. I will be mainly focusing on health with the October 2020 flying stars although I will also discuss finances and relationships as well. I hope you find this helpful and hope that you are staying safe and healthy.


Sun 4 green Wen Qu romance and literacy star is a wood star. It affects the thighs, hip, buttock, bladder, liver and can cause colds and flu although on the whole it is considered an auspicious star. The Sun wood 4 is a conditional star and is auspicious in Period 8 (2004 – 2024).

In November, we have the monthly #4 auspicious wood star fly into the north where we also have the annual #3 inauspicious wood star and Tai Sui located for the year. Unfortunately, it is very hard to enhance a good star and also weaken a bad star when they are both the same element (wood) and the best thing you can do in the north during November is to leave it as it is. You can place natural romance enhancers such as photos of your partner or your family but please do not try to enhance the monthly star with wood or water cures as this will also enhance the annual #3 star.

This cure and enhancer when used is a manifestation enhancer and it is good to place an image that represents everything you want to achieve in life, an example to some would be a picture of a beautiful home that you desire, a male or female that you admire, a car like a Ferrari or Mini, the number of children you would like, I think you are getting the picture by now, just create a dream board with all that you desire pinned to it or draw the image or you can even download some images from this really is a very powerful way of manifesting your dreams and it really does work, remember to place the image in this area this month.

Whilst this star is very auspicious if you have any poison arrows like lamp posts, pylons or large corners of house’s pointing toward this area consider hanging a ba gua wealth protection mirror outside pointing toward the offending object as the #4 star can bring both wanted and unwanted romantic opportunities to the household if the cures are not put in place.

Having a door in this area can bring in new opportunities and lots of travel and perfect for a company that deals with travel or printing although please be careful not to slam the door in the north during November.

Couples with a bedroom in this location can also enjoy good relationships as long as this area is kept calm and quiet. There may also be a chance of producing intelligent children. If you want to enhance this further place a statue of Kwan Yin in this area of your bedroom.

Another traditional way to enhance fertility is to display peanuts in shells (groundnuts) or any seed products like black or red melon seeds (Gua zi). In Mandarin, peanuts are called ‘hua-sheng’ and for the Chinese, this word is onomatopoeic in that the sound of it means the birth of many children.

You should display them anywhere in the bedroom and of course be careful if anyone in the home suffers from nut allergies.

Cures and enhancers summary:

   – For office and studies, place a task light and a crystal globe on the work desks.

   – If you have mandarin ducks this is a good area to have them and any other symbols of romance like hugging couples etc.

   – Place photos of loved ones or images of love to enhance relationships or attract new love. This can be photos, paintings or statues, make sure there is always a pair in the image.

   – For romance, a Dragon headed Tortoise or Mandarin Ducks are very good


Kun 2 Black (Ju Men) is an earth star and a yin Trigram. It affects the stomach, digestive, general sickness and problems with the thought process. It also affects the Matriarch (eldest female) and overall, very inauspicious and needs either cures or avoidance this month in this area; otherwise, it can cause many problems.

We have the monthly #2-star fly into the northeast during November along with the annual #1 star, and if you are already enhancing the annual star with metal cures and colours, this will also weaken the monthly #2 star. Metal cures are a great way to weaken the monthly #2 star this month, and I would introduce some silver or gold colours here to weaken the monthly #2 star and also enhance the annual #1 star.

If your bedroom, office, lounge, main door or other important room is located in this area this month and you are unable to move out, please read this section carefully. The good news is you now know this is an inauspicious star and you can do much to dissipate its negative influences for the month, so do not panic at all.

Try and keep this area of your building as quiet as possible and avoid building work or renovations this month. If this part of your building is a bathroom, utility room, guest bedroom or other less important room do not panic, this is excellent news for you and no cures are needed this month.

If your front door, bedroom, office, lounge or other well-used room is located in this area this month this will inevitably activate its negative effects, so read on…

This star affects the health of those under its influence bringing with it wealth problems, sickness, disease, bad luck, stress, stomach and digestive problems, bloated feeling, gossip, backstabbing, family harmony and distress.

The 2 Black in Period 8 is an untimely star, and hence its influence will be of a negative nature. You must place a Wu Lou and six Chinese coins tied with red ribbon, metal singing bowl and also place more round metal decorative objects (provided they are not menacing looking, round shape metal is good) to dissipate its negative influence in this part of your home or room.

Avoid triangular or sharp shapes in this area. Ladies expecting should try and avoid using a bedroom if it is located in this area. If there is no choice, implement the necessary cures. You should also sleep with the crown of your head in your personal Tien Yi direction. Males who spend a lot of time in this area should be careful about what they eat this month and a good time to think about a lifestyle change.

Place a brass Wu-Lou beside your bed. The brass Wu-Lou (also known as a calabash) gives elemental support to this area this month and also symbolises good health and dissipates the negative energy of the #2 star.

More importantly, do not decorate this room with red fire colours or triangle shapes items and most important avoid burning candles or leaving bright fiery coloured lights on for too long during the month. The most important cures to place in this area are a set of six Chinese coins tied with red ribbon.

Do not undertake any form of noisy renovations or re-decorative work in this part of your house or office. Nor should you disturb the ground by digging, building foundations or conduct any maintenance work with any noisy equipment in this area inside or outside your property or garden this month.

Once disturbed, this affliction will bring about three types of misfortunes financial loss, sickness and arguments.


   – Hang six Chinese coins tied in red ribbon.

   – You can use any metal ornament as long as it is not sharp or aggressive looking, and believe it or not a good cure is a round metal dog bowl or weight lifters weights.

   – A brass wealth ingot is good for protecting wealth.

   – Place a gold-coloured three-legged Toad with an i-ching coin underneath.

   – Place a Wu Lou and other metal ornaments to dissipate the negative earth.

   – A metal singing bowl is perfect as is a stainless-steel Dog bowl.

   – Avoid using red colour in this room and refrain from displaying triangle shape or fiery pictures

   – Avoid candles or bright lights at all costs. Check or upgrade smoke alarms and other fire prevention methods.

   – Place a Ba Gua mirror in this area outside this month.

   – Naturally not as powerful but round metal shapes are an alternative to using Feng Shui items but avoid sharp or menacing looking metal objects.

Remember this is only a passing influence for the month and if you follow all this advice here your month will be just fine.


Ch’ien 6 White The star of Heaven star (Wu Qu) is a compassionate money star and a yang Trigram, and it affects the lungs, large intestines and head and can impact the Patriarch (eldest male) although on the whole it is considered an auspicious star.

We have the monthly #6-star fly into the east in November along with the annual #5 metal star. Luckily, we are using metal to weaken the annual #5 star which will also feed the inherent energy of the monthly #6 star so I would recommend introducing some extra metal cures and colours to both weaken the annual star and enhance the monthly star in the east this month. If you have six coins in a row in the east for the year, this will work very well for both the annual and monthly stars.

The Ch’ien metal 6 is a conditional star and is auspicious in Period 8 (2004 – 2024). It governs wealth, leadership, success and ambition and is very good for politicians, leaders and anyone involved in the jewellery business.

Those who have main doors or offices in this area may enjoy excellent business and career success, although please be sure to keep this area quiet and avoid slamming the door. However, whilst 6 White represents accomplishment, if the #6 monthly star is located in a bedroom, it can cause problems with the throat, and/or legs and also problems with breathing especially for the eldest male although they are minor problem and nothing to worry about if you follow the advice here. If you do have a bedroom in this area place some blue, black, grey or charcoal cloth such as a rug or duvet covers to dissipate its energy.

Enhancers and cures if needed:

   – If this is your bedroom, a shade of blue or black in your furnishing or décor may help with health. A blue painting (not water scene) may also do.

   – Place a set of six coins in a row in this area; these are very traditional and powerful cures.

   – Real quartz crystal is very good in this area for the month as are faceted crystal spheres.

   – Avoid colours red and candles in this area this month

This is a lovely influence for the month and if you follow all this advice here your month will be just fine.


Tui 7 Red (Po Jun) robbery star is a metal star and a yin trigram and known as the mischievous Po Jun #7 argumentative red star is a negative influence in Period 8. The trigram Tui is also known as ’Broken Soldier’. This is a fighting star which can cause problems if left alone, the #7 Red indicates a high risk of burglary, deception, copyright theft, gossip and backstabbing this month.

The southeast is a tricky area this month as both the annual and monthly flying stars are metal element, and we will need to treat this area with care. In November, we have the monthly #7 inauspicious metal star fly into the southeast along with the annual #6 auspicious metal star, and we will already be enhancing the good metal star for the year which can cause issues with the monthly star.

My advice for the southeast this month is to leave the annual cures in place and remove any large earth colours that can easily be removed and introduce some water colours to balance the energy here; if you prefer to, you can remove all of the annual cures and replace with water cures although I will be keeping the cures in place in my home and just introducing a blue throw here for November. Remember, you can always remove and add more cures if you find you are having problems.

This area is not good for writers, artist or children studying and especially so for the youngest daughter although cures can be placed to dissipate the negative influence this month, so do not worry.

If you have a door that is used often in this area or even a window you should be looking to update security, smoke alarms and checking electrics. Please take this advice seriously as I have been doing this a long time and I know when this combination meets, it can cause many problems this month.

You should also hang a flat Ba Gua mirror with a Chinese i-ching coin on the back for added protection this month especially if you have a main door here.

Sorry to harp on but please take extra security measures especially if you have a front, back or side door in this sector. Make sure doors and windows are fastened securely before leaving the house. Do not display valuable items on windowsills, which may attract the interests of passers-by

It pays to be wise and avoid taking too many risks for there may be unscrupulous people working against you. There are indications of misunderstandings, pressure and business rivalries that could also lead to losses. Keep this area quiet, and doors and windows kept closed this month.

Good colours are blue or black. If you have an office or door in this area be careful of people trying to deceive you, robbery, arguments and loss of wealth, always look at the very small print and be careful as this star normally causes problems with people you know and thought you could trust.


   – You should also use more blue, grey, black or charcoal colours in your decoration. You can introduce the colour with cushions, rugs, bed covers or doormats.

   – Do not use anything of fire element or colours red to control it as this may aggravate it.

   – Avoid candles in this area at all costs.

   – Install or service/upgrade smoke alarms and security systems.

   – Do not hang metal wind chimes here.

Remember this is only a passing influence for the month and if you follow all this advice here your month will be just fine.


Chen 3 Jade (Lu Cun Xing) is a wood star and a yang Trigram. It affects the feet, lungs, convulsions, liver, bladder, limbs and hysteria. It also affects the eldest son and overall, very inauspicious and needs cures or avoidance this month in this area otherwise it can cause many problems.

We have the monthly #3-star fly into the south along with the annual #2 star, and we will need to keep this area calm and quiet as we also have Sui Po and the Three Killings located here for the year. To weaken this area in November, I would introduce metal this month; you will likely be using metal to weaken the weaken the annual #2 star, and if so, you can leave this area as it is and if you need to, you can add more metal into this area as the month goes on. If you haven’t got any metal cures in place, please place a salt water cure and six Chinese I-Ching coins in a row here for November. Please do not use fire cures here as this will enhance the annual #2 star as well.

You must be aware of possible theft, arguments, disputes, hot tempers, loss of wealth and legal problems, especially if you have a main door or important room in this area this month.

If your bedroom, office, lounge, main door or other important room is located in this area and you are unable to move out, please read this section carefully. The good news is you now know this is an inauspicious star and you can do much to dissipate its negative influences for the month, so do not panic at all.

If you have a main door or an important room like an office, lounge, or study ensure that documents signed during the month are checked through thoroughly before committing. The influence of a Chen 3 in Period 8 denotes possible arguments, disagreement, backstabbing and in extreme cases, this can result in lawsuits, either as a petitioner or a defendant and also causes loss of wealth.

Either case there will be a loss of time, energy and wealth, so please be careful during this month especially if you have a main door in this area and if you can, try and use another door to enter and leave. You should also hang a Ba Gua mirror with a Chinese i-ching coin on the rear for added protection this month.

Do not undertake any form of noisy renovations or re-decorative work in this part of your house or office this month. Nor should you disturb the ground by digging, building foundations or conduct any maintenance work with any noisy equipment in this area inside or outside your property or garden this month.

To calm interactions:

   – Do not hang wind chimes of any material in this area this month, especially metal wind chimes as it will worsen matters.

   – During hot summer months, make sure the fan is not located in this area this month.

   – Take extra security measures for the whole home or business during this month and check smoke alarms.

   – Check through everything before signing documents if you have a main door here.

   – Try and keep this area quiet and do not disturb with loud noises.

   – Try not to let children or noisy animals play in this area.

   – Beware of backstabbing, as sometimes it is unseen and behind your back and also from someone you thought you knew quite well.

   – Most important is not to disturb the ground inside or out.

Remember this is only a passing influence for the month and if you follow all this advice here your month will be just fine.


The 5 Yellow (Lian Zhen) star of tragedy is located in this area this month. It affects the overall luck, virtually all types of illness, including many mind related problems with regards to the thought process, lack of energy and procrastination. It will not affect anyone in particular in the home as the #5 star does not have a trigram and no yin or yang energy so to speak and this is why the negative aspects of this star are so vital.

The southwest can be a tricky area in November as we have the monthly #5-star fly-in along with the annual #4. I would recommend placing metal cures for the monthly #5 star such as a salt water cure and six Chinese coins in a row as this will weaken the monthly star and would not be enough to cause problems with the annual star. You can leave your annual cures in place this month but please do not introduce any more.

Overall a very inauspicious star and needs either cures or avoidance this month in this area otherwise it can cause many problems. If your bedroom, office, lounge, main door or other important room is located in this area and you are unable to move out, please read this section carefully.

The good news is you now know this is an inauspicious star and you can do much to dissipate its negative influences for the month, so do not panic at all.

The 5 Yellow also called ‘Wu Huang or Lian Zhen’ in Chinese, is one of the bad monthly afflictions. It is an extremely unstable star. It has no gender and no trigram and is highly treacherous when disturbed. When disturbed, its malicious influence brings tragedy, sickness, lawsuits and major loss of wealth. Do be careful with it. Stillness together with metal cures can keep its negative influences at bay, and you must avoid using fire energy like reds and candles in this area this month.

You should place a Wu Lou and six Chinese coins tied with red ribbon and also place more metal decorative objects (provided they are not menacing looking, round shape metal is good) to dissipate its negative influence.

You MUST NEVER disturb this area inside or out with lots of drilling or knocking activities. So please be careful if you have work to do and if you have a main door here you should also place a flat Ba Gua wealth protection mirror.

You must not place red objects, bright lights, candles or red coloured furnishing this month. Do not worry if you have these colours already just introduce colours white, silver, gold or copper in the way of a floor mat, cushions, throws, tablecloth or such like. You can also use dark blue or black if you prefer.

If your bathroom, cloakroom, en-suite, guest room or a large cupboard is located here, this is good for you, because these areas are not used much, and therefore the negative power is not activated.

Summary: Do not activate this area with loud noises this month, keep area quiet and avoid at all costs building work or refurbishment. Do not use the fire element or colours red, pink or purple.  Keep doors closed. Place a Wu Lou and six coins here along with metal ornaments. Use colours white, silver, gold or copper. I will repeat this part, as it is so important, please keep this area of your home or office as quiet as possible this month, avoid redecoration and building work in this part of your home or office.

To calm interactions:

   – Avoid playing loud music in this area of the home or room.

   – Do not decorate your room with red or earth colours this month. Grey, blue or white beddings and curtains are good colours to use temporarily.

   – Place a set of six Chinese coins tied in a row with red ribbon this month

   – Place a Brass Wu-Lou in this corner of the room if this is your bedroom.

   – Metal objects such as six Chinese metal coins tied in a red ribbon and/or a brass Dragon can be placed in this corner too. Do not to use red dragons.

   – Do not place red objects, burning candles or triangular shaped furnishing in this sector.

   – Most of all, avoid disturbing this area at all costs. Any form of renovations that needs to be done plan it for another month. It is worth keeping this in mind.

   – A Pi Yao in a gold colour is very effective at not only reducing the bad earth but by also protecting your wealth for the month in this area.

   – Replace or at the very least cleanse your Ba Gua mirror in this area especially if you have a door here.

   – If you have a main door in this area make sure you oil the hinges and try not to let it bang shut and oil squeaky hinges.

   – If you use a fan or other machines that create noise or vibration try and avoid placing it in this part of a room this month.

Remember this is only a passing influence for the month and if you follow all this advice here your month will be just fine.


Kan 1 White Kan (Tang Lang) is a water element and a yang Trigram. In the physical body, it is the ear. Internal organ it is the kidneys, and it is also blood. It also affects wealth career and luck, and because it is timely in period 8 (2004 – 2024), it is considered an auspicious flying star.

In November, we have the monthly #1-star fly into the west along with the annual #9 wealth star and will need to enhance the #1 star with good quality metal cures and colours to make the most of this area in November. This is a fantastic area, and I would try to spend time here when working and relaxing.

This area can also be very good for relationships this month and to enhance you should introduce some metal elements that are round in shape, a traditional enhancer and cure is a brass wu lou or any object that is round in shape and made from a good quality metal like brass copper, steel. Avoid having large quartz crystals (over 4 inches in size) in this area this month.

If you activate this area of the home this month, it can bring in new opportunities, gains in financial investments, academic achievements and also romance and relationships as peach blossom is very good here.

If this area is a bedroom, office, study lounge or other important room you should place a wu lou or other round metal objects which is auspicious. It is also very good to hang a set of six Chinese i-ching coins tied with red ribbon. This is a very traditional and authentic enhancer for the #1 flying star.

Blues, black, grey or charcoal would be a good colour scheme for this room. You can introduce these colours in beddings, throws, lampshades, pillow covers etc. If you have a bed located in this area, remember to place a brass wu-lou beside the bed

If you disturb this area this month, you may cause problems for the middle son, and it could affect ears, kidneys or blood-related. If you have any poison arrows like lamp post, pylons or large comers of house’s pointing toward this area consider hanging a flat ba gua mirror outside pointing towards the offending object. Generally, though there is nothing to worry about with the #1 star as it is timely and an auspicious star.

Enhancement summary and advice.

   – A brass Wu-Lou is advisable for a bedroom that falls into this area along with all shades of blue, black, grey or charcoal colours. This is especially so if you are not in good health and if you cannot buy a wu lou place a heavy round object close to your bed but avoid candles or colours red, pink, orange, purple or any fire colours.

   – Place a set of six auspicious i-ching Chinese coins tied with red ribbon in a certain order (Xing Yun Qang) this is so important if you have a middle son sleeping or spending a lot of time in this area this month.

   – If the middle son is weak and/or unhealthy be careful if extending or refurbishing this area of your home or office this month, it could cause them problems.

   – Place creative enhancements like displaying an abacus, calligraphy set, artist tools like canvas, brushes etc this month

This is a lovely influence for the month and if you follow all this advice here your month will be just fine.


Li 9 Purple (You Bi) Li 9 Purple is a fire star and a yin trigram and considered a star of future wealth and has an auspicious influence in Period 8. Career opportunities and promotions are probable, especially if you have an office or main door in this area this month.

The northwest is a lovely area in November as we have the monthly #9 and annual #8 wealth stars in the same area. I would try to spend time here when working and be sure to place important paperwork in the northwest this month. To enhance the northwest in November, I would use fire colours such as orange as this will also enhance the annual #8. I know I suggested not using fire colours for the annual star, although this will balance the energy well in November. This is a great area for candles.

There is fame and acknowledgement, growth and improvement. It affects the eyes, mental disturbance, blood disorders and stomach and can cause problems at work. These problems only occur when you have poison arrows directed to this area this month. It also affects wealth career and luck, and because it is timely in period 8 (2004 – 2024), it is considered an auspicious flying star.

If you disturb this area this month, you may cause problems for the middle daughter, and it could affect heart, stomach or blood related. If you have any poison arrows like lamp post, pylons or large comers of house pointing toward this area consider hanging a flat ba gua mirror outside pointing toward the offending object. Generally, though there is nothing to worry about with the #9 star as it is it is timely and an auspicious star.

This is a good area in general, especially for those in studies. If this is a family area (living, dining or a library), encourage children to study here. Couples with a bedroom in this location can also enjoy good relationships. There may also be a chance of producing intelligent children. If you want to enhance this further place a statue of Kwan Yin in this part of your bedroom.

To enhance:

   – Introduce fire colours such as orange, red, purple, lilac etc.

This is a lovely influence for the month and if you follow all this advice here your month will be just fine.


Ken 8 White Zuo Fu is an earth star and a yang Trigram and is the most auspicious governing flying star of the lower era of the sexagenarian cycle of the flying stars (Xuan Kong) system which is period 8 (2004 – 2024).  It affects the hands, fingers, pancreas and back. It also affects wealth career and luck, and because it is timely in period 8 (2004 – 2024), it is considered the most auspicious flying star.

We have the monthly #8-star fly into the centre during November along with the annual #9 and when placing fire cures (please do not use candles) in the centre, this will balance the energy by enhancing the monthly #8 and also very slightly destroying the energy of the annual #7 although not enough to aggravate it. Please do not enhance the monthly #8 star with crystals as this will enhance the inauspicious #7 star.

Wealth, fame, romance, prestige and distinction can be expected, especially if you have an office here, even if you do not you can still activate it. When activated correctly, it brings good fortune and exciting times, even with the conflict of elements. The #8 star also governs relationships, so a nice romance enhancer is a pair of Mandarin Ducks.

Whilst wealth is forecast this month for this area, beware of overworking as this can cause you health problems if you have a bedroom or office here. The additional work will bring a good income but be careful of your health; in particular, stress-related resulting in high blood pressure or kidney problems.

Do not place heavy metal in this area of your home or office this month, as it will weaken the good earth.

Once you activate this area, it is a very strong wealth, success and romance area for the month, so try and store your important financial papers here like pensions, stock portfolio etc. If you use symbolic cures, this is where you should place your three-legged Toad facing your Sheng Chi direction for wealth or a pair of Mandarin Ducks for romance.

To enhance:

   – A red three-legged toad can be placed here. Make sure the toad is facing into the house and not towards the door, and the coin is never taken out of his mouth.

   – Introduce some fire colours into this area to balance the energies, a quick and easy way is using bed covers, rugs, table covers, sofa throws etc.

   – A romance enhancer is a pair of Mandarin Ducks in this area this month.

   – Keep area active with open windows and doors (yang energy).

This is a lovely influence for the month and if you follow all this advice here your month will be just fine.

Visit the pages below for further details on 2020 Chinese New Year etc.

Chinese New Year 2020 ** Checklist for Chinese New Year 2020 ** How to make your own Ang Pow **Chinese Talismans for 2020 ** Chinese animal predictions for 2020 ** Flying star Xuan Kong 2020 ** Avoid the fury of the Grand Duke, three killing 2020 ** Chinese New Year world time converter 2020 ** 2020 Cures and enhancers kits ** How to take a compass reading ** How to determine your facing direction ** Feng Shui software ** Feng Shui resource ** 2020 Tong Shu Almanac Software ** Feng Shui Blog ** Chinese culture **

Academy of Feng Shui Software

I hope you all enjoyed reading and have a great month. 

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