Deepika Padukone and Siddhant Chaturvedi are currently shooting for their upcoming film helmed by Shakun Batra in Alibaug. The duo has been travelling to and fro everyday for the shoot. Now, the actors were clicked at the Gateway of India as they returned to Mumbai.
For the occasion, Deepika wore a grey full sleeve t-shirt teamed with baggy denim and shoes while Siddhant was in a white tee, black pants and shoes. They were also sporting face masks which has now become a new normal.
Take a look at the photos here:
Apart from the duo, the film stars Ananya Panday. Previously, Ananya Panday, Siddhant Chaturvedi and Deepika Padukone had shot for Shakun Batra’s film extensively in Goa.
According to the reports, Shakun Batra's yet-untitled film is about relationships in the modern world and revolved around two couples.
For the occasion, Deepika wore a grey full sleeve t-shirt teamed with baggy denim and shoes while Siddhant was in a white tee, black pants and shoes. They were also sporting face masks which has now become a new normal.
Take a look at the photos here:
Apart from the duo, the film stars Ananya Panday. Previously, Ananya Panday, Siddhant Chaturvedi and Deepika Padukone had shot for Shakun Batra’s film extensively in Goa.
According to the reports, Shakun Batra's yet-untitled film is about relationships in the modern world and revolved around two couples.
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source https://earn8online.com/index.php/154783/photos-deepika-padukone-and-siddhant-chaturvedi-return-from-alibaug-gets-snapped-at-the-gateway-of-india-hindi-movie-news/
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