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Key Takeaways on Organic Food


I’m frequently asked for summaries on many different topics of interest. Your wish is my command. We have topic pages on more than a thousand subjects! Each provides links to many of its related videos and may include a brief summary of the information.

Allow me to highlight some of these pages, starting with one of our most requested topics: organic food. Is it safer and more nutritious? You can learn everything you need to know about organic food on its topic page, which has information on key takeaways and all related videos.


New Volume Covers Cultivated Meat, IBD, and Thyroid Function

Vol-53-Download-Artwork (1)My new DVD is out today and available as a streaming video so you can start watching it immediately. You can see the full list of topics here. Eventually, all of these videos will be available online for free over the next few months. If you don’t want to wait for them to roll out, though, you can stream them all right now. 

If you are a $25+ monthly supporter and opted in to our donor rewards, you’ve already received a complimentary link to the new download, so you’re likely an expert on these new topics by now. If you’d like early access, too, please consider becoming a monthly supporter. Sign up on the donation page to become a $25+ monthly contributor, and, as long as your contributions are current, you’ll get an opportunity to receive the newest downloads for free before they’re available to the public.

And, remember: If you watch the videos on or YouTube, you can access captions in several different languages. To find yours, click on the settings wheel in the lower-right corner of the video and then select “Subtitles/CC.” 



Upcoming Webinar on Thyroid Function

Thyroid Webinar PromoOne of the most common questions I’m asked is for a natural treatment for Hashimoto’s disease, also known as autoimmune thyroiditis, the leading cause of hypothyroidism. I’m excited to say I found one!

In my upcoming webinar, I will cover the best diet for both hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism, as well as the healthiest natural source of iodine. All of these videos will eventually be available on over the course of the next year, but you can see them all and get your questions answered by joining me for an hour-long live event on March 5. 

Webinar Date & Time: Friday, March 5, 3-4pm ET

(Please note: Registration is now closed!)


Now Hiring!

We are growing our team with two positions here at 

  • Web Developer (Full-time)
  • Digital Marketing Assistant (Part-time)

Job descriptions and applications for both can be found on our employment page. Please share these job openings with anyone who would be a good fit!

Podcast Available on YouTube 

Podcast announcementMy audio podcast, which comes out every Thursday, is available on most podcast apps, and I’m excited to share that it’s also now on YouTube! Putting the podcast on YouTube not only expands the listening options, but it also gives us the ability to caption them, which we’ve done in both English and Spanish. You can find them on’s YouTube channel. 



Top 3 Videos of the Month


Why Does Forest Bathing Boost Natural Killer Cell Activity?Why Does Forest Bathing Boost Natural Killer Cell Function?

Can the aroma of wood essential oils replicate the immune-boosting effects of walking in a forest?




Are Beyond Meat and the Impossible Burger Healthy?Are Beyond Meat and the Impossible Burger Healthful?

What happens when you compare the trans fat, saturated fat, sodium, and cholesterol levels in plant-based burgers versus animal-based burgers?



Plant-Based Protein: Are Pea and Soy Isolates Harmful?Plant-Based Protein: Are Pea and Soy Protein Isolates Harmful?

What are the different impacts of plant protein versus animal protein, and do the benefits of plant proteins translate to plant protein isolates?



Volunteer Spotlight: George Jacobs 

I get a lot of satisfaction from being a part of the ever-more-mighty team. I do proofreading, which lets me read the latest from the greatest in advance. I enjoy the challenge of trying to live up to the NF team’s high standards.  Steven Litrov, the NF volunteer coordinator, is so efficient and so pleasant to interact with. I always look forward to his next assignment. I also promote the NF team’s work as part of the activism I do, and I’m proud to tell people about my small role in that work.

My favorite food is the No Bread – Peanut Butter and Banana Sandwich. Peel a very ripe banana. Cut it in half length-wise. Spread no-salt, no-sugar, no-added oil peanut butter on one half. Reunite the halves and enjoy! Here’s a video of the process that I made for a European Union project that teaches language and cuisine.


Next Live Q&A on February 25

Live Q&AEvery month, I do a live Q&A directly from my treadmill, and Thursday, February 25 is the day.

Join on our Facebook page or YouTube channel at 3pm ET.  I’ll be streaming to both at the same time!

You can find links to past live Q&As here on If that’s not enough, don’t forget I have an audio podcast to keep you company.


In health,
Michael Greger, M.D.

PS: If you haven’t yet, you can subscribe to my free videos here and watch my live, year-in-review presentations:

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