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Planted some seeds earlier and was hoping for someone to tell me if I’m on the right track…Information in comment down below. : herbs


Just planted some seeds earlier today; (from left to right) parsley, oregano and thyme. Other windowsill has chives. They’re west-facing windows, and these three in the pic will have a grow light for 4 hours a day. Chives have no grow light but I heard they can survive in more low-light conditions. I gave them LOTS of water, and plan to only water them again when the soil is dry, and then again with lots of water. I plan to fertilize them every 2 weeks. They will be permanent indoor herbs. I tried planting herbs last summer but it was a fail when I got a fruit fly infestation (unsure if the herbs were the cause). I know this comment and the picture isn’t enough information to access everything 100% accurately, but I’m really just looking for some insight as to if I’m doing things right or if I’m setting these plants up for failure! Please criticize me!

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