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How to Make Mango Popsicles at home with just two ingredients


Mango Popsicles

How to Make Mango Popsicles

This post is a part of Blogchatter Half Marathon. I can eat Mango Popsicles at any time. You can actually eat a Popsicle for every meal of the day. Yes! Use coffee as the base for your breakfast popsicle, or blend in some kale, carrot or other veggies and you’ve got a frozen salad for lunch or dinner. And dessert? Juice in some watermelon, kiwi or mango and your frozen summery dessert is ready. Here is How to Make Mango Popsicles

Mango-King of Fruits

When life gives you mangoes you just eat them in any form. Isn’t it? These golden yellow Mango Popsicles are so luscious and irresistible. Lick them first thing in the morning and drink in the ambrosia and you will forget the scorching sun for sure. In India, most of us welcome the summer season in spite of the scorching heat just to enjoy this delicious summer fruit- mango. Mango is said to be the food of the gods. No wonder it is known as the ‘King of fruits’.

Bainganpalli Mango

Mangoes are rich in nutrients and an excellent source of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Mango is a gift or nature’s bounty in the summer, popular not only for its delicious taste but also for its numerous health benefits.

They are a good source of vitamin A and E. Eating mangoes regularly makes the skin soft and shining and also offers a clearer complexion. (That’s why I eat them whenever I get the chance) It isn’t food for Gods just like that.

I enjoy the summer season and the mangoes that go with it! its sweetness is a source of joy and a symbol of gastronomic delight. Born and living in Mango land and gorging on mangoes in various forms. I can just dig in straight into the ripe, succulent fruit. Suck in the delicious pulp or chop it into cubes and daintily prong it into their mouths with a fork, Or just sip the vibrant coloured juice and use the luscious mangoes to make shakes, smoothies and chilled desserts.

Mango Juice

Mango Juice

Mango drinks and mango juices can be stored in the refrigerator to be drunk anytime. Mango juice with a dash of mint is what I love. I made a huge bottle of it and realised that it would be leftover. Then I decided to make Mango popsicles with the leftover juice.

Mango CubesMango Puree

It is so simple..

How to Make Mango Popsicles


1 mango chopped into cubes.

4 tbsp sugar

 5 fresh mint leaves


Firstly, blend the mango cubes, sugar and mint in the mixer, adding little chilled water. Your mango juice is ready.

You can drink the juice as it is or enjoy it as a Popsicle.

Next, pour the juice into the Popsicle mould and set it in the refrigerator.

If you do not have moulds then don’t fret. Just take a disposable glass and pour in the pulp, insert a popsicle stick when it is half set and cover with foil.

Finally, the popsicles are set.

Be sure that they are going to disappear fast. So don’t forget to grab one for yourself.

Mango Popsicle MouldsMango PopsiclesMango popsicles

 Previous blogs in the Half Marathon are-Tambola Theme Games and 6 steps to become stronger Inside Out, Luscious Lychee Fool, Andhra style Moringa leaves stir fry, Easy Mango Sago Pearl Puding, Travelogue on Srinagar Part II, Mango Kulfi Falooda, How to make Mango Popsicles, 6 best hair oils for a lustrous mane.

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