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July: The Second Half Of The Year, Should You Try Again?


The year 2020 came and left, but it left a huge scar on everyone. We all have a story to tell about the year 2020. A year when everything froze, empty planes flew the sky and our life took place at home and on zoom.

Fast forward to 2021, the year we hope for things to be better. While some countries are able to reduce the spread of the virus, thing are not they way it used to.

Businesses are not moving fast like expected, employers want their employees back at the office and people want to travel.

Yeah! We all freaked out. It has not been easy. We all have dreams and goals but it all seems to crumble as the pandemic played a huge role.

The first six months of 2021 has been great — at least better than 2020’s first six months. And while we are trying to adapt to the changes around us, we tend to give up on some things.

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We’ve been through so much that it became so difficult for us to pick up from where we left off.

As 2021 started, everyone rushed back to their daily activities, while others try to improve themselves and work on their careers. For some, relationship issue was a huge battle that they had to take on as social distancing was compulsory to keep everyone safe.

Students resumed back to school and learning was a whole different story as they’ve all moved on from the ‘book’ life to the earning ‘money’ life.

But the question still stands: “Should you try again?” Do we need to give up on all we’ve been working towards? Or should we try again and put in our best?

Remember Focalistic & Davido‘s song, ‘Ke Star (Remix)’?

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Beta rest beta rest beta rest

You don try e no do beta rest

You don’t necessarily need to give up, all you need is to ‘rest,’ take a step back and look at how you’ve done things and try another strategy.

With that being said, the answer to the question “should we try again?” is left for each one of us to answer. Do you think you should try again?

Magazine image credit: Godisable Jacob | Pexel

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