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4 Parts Of Your Average Yoga Class That Are BS


Sweating Out Toxins Isn't A Thing

If you visit your local yoga studio's website there's a good chance it will be poorly designed, but also that it will espouse detoxification as one of yoga's key benefits. This is especially true if the studio practices hot yoga, which is meant to make you spew sweat (from heat and humidity, not from how sexy everyone in the room is).

Yoga class

Bruce Mars/Unsplash

Conspiracy theory: They make you sweat just so you FEEL sexy. 

This studio in Aspen, for example, says that sweating eliminates toxins from the body, and so the more water you're forced to drink the more crud you'll sweat out. They compare it to "taking a shower from the inside out." And this hot yoga studio in Vancouver says sweating will save you from unhealthy food additives, environmental pollutants, "bad bacteria," and viruses. If you're worried we're picking on random nobodies, rest assured that Gwyneth Paltrow's Goop is telling readers that sweat will save them from the "bad things" they've picked up from "mattresses, non-stick pans, plastic bottles, and pesticide-laden food." 

While this implies that people who don't work up a sweat to the dulcet tunes of Spotify's "Badass Brahman!" playlist are doomed to forever stumble about with aspartame and rat poison rattling around inside them, the human body has an obscure feature called "organs" that filter toxins on your behalf. The liver, kidneys, and intestines all play a role in eliminating unwanted gunk, which is why you don't urinate and defecate for the sheer joy of it. 


Giorgio Trovato/Unsplash

Your body's great at handling toxins. It's nutrients that are the problem. 

Sweat's role is to regulate your body temperature; a few toxins might trickle out with it, but it's 99% water. If anything, producing an NBA game's worth of sweat in an hour will keep toxins hanging around a bit longer, because your kidneys will be forced to preserve water and slow their work. Yoga still has plenty of health benefits -- it's still exercise -- and far from every class espouses this myth. But it's not a magic bullet for counteracting last night's vodka and KFC binge. And speaking of BS ideas ... 

Chakras Aren't A Thing Either

Even if the closest you come to doing yoga is sitting in weird poses while you play video games, you've heard of chakras. As helpfully tells us, they're "the body's 7 energetic centers" and "a convergence of energy, thoughts/feelings, and the physical body." Basically, if we were a boss fight, they'd be our seven glowing power sources. 

 A diagram of the human body, containing locations of the main chakras and their locations on the body.

Raymond1922A/Wiki Commons 

If you fiddle enough with your red chakra, you'll go blind!

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