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Bless yourself with the perfect Billy Butcher The Boys Halloween Costume!


If history ever recorded a synonym for masculine vogue with the right amount of effortless roguishness, then Billy Butcher would be it! One of the main protagonists from the hit series The Boys has a charm of his own. With the classic back story of having lost a loved one, this man is ready to take on the fake league of superheroes. And unleash the reality behind it all. His dark burly facial hair to his large physique, and monochromatic dressing sense make him all the more masculine and attractive. It is one of the easy Halloween costumes to carry.

So this Halloween, when everyone is dressing up as superheroes that are either gods or demi-gods. We have compiled a complete list of what you need to dress as the most authentic version of a hero. 

And Billy Butcher served not one but many looks. Let’s get to the breakdown.

The facial hair.

One of the most noteworthy things about Billy Butcher is his facial hair. A nice healthy set of a beard and a mustache is a signature of the character. If you are looking forward to rocking his ensemble, the main thing that you can add to your attire is facial hair. So either grow your own beforehand or get an authentic set to sport for those Halloween parties. 

The Black trousers:

Thankfully Billy Butcher’s fashion sense is just as practical as the character is himself. This makes his attire the best Halloween costumes for men. The character has almost always been seen sporting a pair of run-down black trousers. You can either wear black jeans or dress pants. But we think that a raggedy dark black denim would be the perfect fit for this ensemble!

The Billy Butcher black coat.

The character has been seen wearing some of the best-colored attires. But the Billy Butcher Black Coat that hits the back of his knees is what you need for the costume. The coat must, however, look like you have lived in it. The character is nothing but honest practicality.

On the inside of the coat, he wore a very casual tee with half sleeves to support comfort for the full sleeves of the coat. 

The boots.

Now keep in mind. Billy is not one to wear casual sneakers. He almost always wears ankle-high boots. Ensure they are high enough that not even a sliver of your skin is visible when you wear them with your pants.

Floral shirt.

With all the seriousness in the character of Billy Butcher, it is apparent that the only outlet that he allowed himself for relaxation was in the form of a floral t-shirt. But make sure that the shirt is in navy blue or black and not bright pink. No wonder that Billy Butcher is one of the cool Halloween costumes you could go for. 

A cane. 

This one is a simple one. Simply get yourself a cane or an umbrella to pull off the cane that butcher sported around in the boys.

And there you have it—a full-proof guide to looking as dashing as Billy Butcher this Halloween.  

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