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Homeopathy for spinal stenosis – Supportive Treatment DrHomeo


Spinal stenosis refers to narrowing of the spinal canal that puts pressure on spinal cord and nerve roots. Spinal canal is a cavity within the vertebral column containing the spinal cord (long bundle of nerves extending from the base of the brain to the lower back that carries signals between the brain and the rest of the body). Homeopathy for spinal stenosis uses medicines that are recommended when the symptoms are mild to moderate.

homeopathy for spinal stenosis

Spinal stenosis is of two types. First is cervical stenosis in which the narrowing occurs in the cervical spine in the neck. Second type is lumbar stenosis in which the narrowing occurs in the part of the spine in the lower back.


Spinal stenosis can arise from several causes. Firstly, it can happen in case of osteoarthritis in the spine. Osteoarthritis is a form of arthritis that causes degenerative changes in the cartilage and bone of the joint. In such cases the bone growths and thickening of ligaments also occur that tend to compress the spinal canal.
Secondly, it can arise from disk herniation or bulge in the spine. The disks in the spine are soft cushions which act as shock absorbers. In case these herniation or bulge out these can put pressure on the spinal cord or nerves.  Third reason behind it is thickening of ligaments in the spine that function to hold the bones of spine together and can bulge into the spinal canal and compress it.
Next, it may also happen in case of rheumatoid arthritis (an autoimmune disorder affecting joints resulting in inflamed, swollen, painful, stiff joints).
Another medical condition known as paget’s disease that can cause bony overgrowth in the spine may contribute to it. Some of its other causes are tumours or abnormal growths in the spine, injury to the spine and  scoliosis (abnormal curvature of the spine). People having some deformity of spine by birth, some genetic disease affecting bone development in the body and those who are more than 50 yrs of age are at risk of it.  


In case of slight narrowing no symptoms occur. But when the narrowing is excessive the nerves are compressed leading to symptoms. The symptoms tend to begin gradually. Its symptoms depend upon the location where stenosis is present and which nerves are affected. 

In case of stenosis in the cervical spine in neck the symptoms that occur includes numbness or tingling in hand, arm, leg or foot; or weakness in these parts. Next symptom is neck pain. There may occur problems in walking and maintaining balance. When the condition is severe functioning of the bladder or bowel is affected. Next in case of stenosis in the lumbar spine in the lower back numbness or tingling in a foot or leg occur. With this there can be back pain. Next symptom is pain or cramps in the leg. Weakness in the lower limb may also be there. This worsens from standing for an extensive time period and when walking. Sitting or bending forward may relieve this.

In severe cases paralysis of legs may occur. In some cases cauda equina syndrome may occur. It is a serious condition that arises from compression of the nerves in the lower segment of the spinal canal which is a surgical emergency because if not treated urgently it can lead to permanent paralysis of legs or loss of bladder control (urinary incontinence).

Some symptoms of this syndrome includes severe lower back pain; sciatica pain that travel from lower back down the legs along the path of sciatic nerve, weakness in the legs; problem in walking; loss of sensation in the buttocks, inner thighs, anus and genitals; and bladder dysfunction (difficulty passing urine leading to retention of urine or difficulty in controlling it) or bowel dysfunction (trouble holding or passing stool) and loss of sexual function.

Homeopathy for Spinal Stenosis

Homeopathic medicines offer a supportive help in these cases to manage its symptoms along with conventional treatment. The homeopathic medicines gradually reduce the intensity of the symptoms. The homeopathic medicines for managing it are selected individually for every case depending on the symptoms presentation. It is advised to take any homeopathic medicine for these cases under supervision of a homeopathic doctor who can find the best medicine that will suit a case by doing a complete case study. In case of severe symptoms and where a serious condition like cauda equina is suspected it is strictly advised to take immediate help from conventional mode of treatment. 

  1. Zincum Met – Top Grade Medicine

It is a leading medicine having a marked action on the spine and nerves. It is well indicated for managing numbness and tingling sensations in the limbs. Next it is helpful when there is weakness in the lower limbs mainly in the calves. In cases needing it pain in the lower back may also be present. This is attended with a burning sensation along the spine. There may be sensitiveness of the spine to touch.

  1. Causticum – For Managing Weakness of Limbs

It is a very effective medicine for managing weakness of the limbs. Persons needing it also feel heaviness in the limbs. They may have unsteady walking. Next electric shock like pain in the legs can attend it. Another complaint that they complain about is numbness of hands, feet and toes. Lastly they may have pain in the nape of the neck.

  1. Picric Acid – For Numbness, Weakness in Legs

It is very beneficial for cases having numbness and weakness in the legs. There is also a crawling and prickling sensation as from needles in the legs. The legs feel heavy like lead with this. Next there is pain in the lower back extending down the legs. This gets worse from motion. coldness of feet may be present with this.

  1. Phosphorus – For Numbness in Hands, Feet 

This medicine works well in cases having numbness in the hands and feet. Fingers and toes also feel numb where it is required. Crawling sensation in the finger tips may occur with this. With these symptoms there is weakness in the arms. Legs also feel weak and they tremble on beginning to walk. Lastly pain in the back along with burning sensation in spots in the spine can be there.

  1. Arsenic Album – For Tingling Sensation in Fingers

Arsenic Album is a great medicine for cases with tingling sensation in the fingers. It is also indicated for persons having weakness in the limbs. Another indication to use it is numbness in the feet. Apart from above burning pain in the limbs and cramps in the legs are also well managed with it.

  1. Rhus Tox – To Manage Pain

This medicine is very effective for pain management. Firstly it is helpful to manage pain in the neck. Next it is beneficial for managing pain in the lower back. This pain worsens on movement. There is a sensation as if the back would break. Hard pressure on the back or lying on something hard may relieve the back pain. There may be drawing or stitching pain in the back when sitting. It is also useful for managing cramps in the legs and tingling sensation in the feet.

  1. Kalmia – To Manage Pain and Numbness 

It is a natural medicine prepared from fresh leaves of a plant Kalmia Latifolia commonly known as mountain laurel and calico bush. It belongs to family ericaceae. This medicine is valuable to manage pain and numbness and pricking sensation in limbs. For using it pain in the neck is there that extends down the arm. Next there is pain in the lower back with great heat and burning. Along with numbness and pricking in limbs weakness is also felt. Coldness in limbs may also be there. 

  1. Paris Quadrifolia – For Neck Pain and Numbness in Fingers

It is prepared from a plant named One Berry. This plant belongs to the family trilliaceae. It is a prominent medicine for managing neck pain and numbness in the fingers. In cases needing it the pain from the neck extends down to the fingers. The neck pain gets worse from exertion. It gets better from rest. A sensation of weight and heat may be felt in the neck. The heated sensation from the neck may extend down the back.

  1. Oxalic Acid – For Numbness and Tingling in Limbs

This medicine is indicated to manage numbness and tingling in limbs. Mostly it is used when there is numbness starting from shoulders and radiating to the fingertips or there is numbness in the thighs. Along with this weakness in hands and feet is present. Other than this, pain in the spine radiating to limbs is another accompanying symptom. 

  1. Plumbum Met – For Weakness of Arms and Hands

It is an important medicine for managing weakness in arms and hands. Other than this it is also indicated for cases having stinging tearing pain in limbs along with numbness and tingling sensation. Lastly, lightning like pains in lower limbs is also indicative of its use.

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