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This Is How You Know The Sex Will Never Improve


If sex is terrible in our relationship, then you should know other people are facing the same thing. It happens, it can be due to financial struggles, mental health, and so on. A lot of people are dealing with this issue, so bad sex in relationships is actually quite common. But you do want to know if this will never improve.

None of you says anything

If you believe “my boyfriend is bad in bed” and don’t say anything, then that’s a problem. Communication is key, you can’t improve something if both people don’t know about it. Talk about it, and it can get better.

You don’t like the same stuff

It’s possible that you like fetishes, while your partner is more into normal stuff. Sharing what you like and dislike, what are your preferences and so on is extremely important, so try to take that into consideration.

It was never good

If sex is terrible in our relationship and it never improved, then you have to do something. Educating your partner can be an idea, and another one would be to speak up about the issue. As we said, not stating anything is bad and it definitely doesn’t help.

No chemistry

Maybe there was some chemistry in the beginning, but now there’s no chemistry. This is why taking action is crucial. Bad sex in relationships comes from a lack of chemistry, so you must address that as much as you can here.

A lack of sexual attraction

As you age, you lose some of the sexual attraction. It’s normal, it happens, and at the end of the day, it becomes a problem. You must find ways to reconnect with one another, even if it sounds harder than you may realize.

No willingness to change

When there’s a lack of chemistry or sex, something needs to change. But if your partner doesn’t want to change at all, that becomes a problem. This is why making sure that you try and explain everything patiently is very important. You have to address the issue, as that’s what will make things better.

They are not listening to you

If your partner is not listening to you and sex is terrible in our relationship, then you must find ways to reconnect. It might also be a sign that it will never get better, but who knows. You can at least try.


At the end of the day, finding ways to reconnect with your loved one is very important. If sex is bad, try to solve it. In some cases, it can be solved, in others less so. That’s why you must take the reigns and do something. It’s definitely going to get better if you know what to do here. But it all comes down to having patience, which can be difficult in some cases. Make sure that you at least try to solve these problems, as it can get better sometimes!

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