The Karnataka government has ended the weekend curfew in the border districts of Kerala and Maharashtra following a decrease in the number of new Covid-19 cases. The decision was taken in a meeting held on Thursday and orders were issued later in the evening.
The state-wide Covid-19 positivity rate stood at 0.73 per cent and it has come down below 2 per cent in all the districts. The expert committee had recommended weekend curfew in districts that recorded more than 2 per cent of Covid positivity.
The bordering districts especially, Kodagu, Mysuru, Dakshina Kannada which borders Kerala have also recorded fewer cases, as well as a low positivity rate. The number has also decreased in Chamarajnagar and Hassan districts, where a large number of students and workers commuted from Kerala.
The state government had recently issued a circular for all educational institutions and companies to restrict the movement of people from Kerala. The Deputy Commissioner of Dakshina Kannada also issued a directive restricting the movements from and towards Kerala till October 31.
The state government has given authority to the respective District Commissioners to take a call on imposing weekend curfews and other measures based on the Covid situation. However, night curfew will continue in the state including the border districts, from 9 pm. to 6 am.
The government has also directed authorities of the border districts of Kerala and Maharashtra to strengthen checkposts.
Source link
source https://earn8online.com/index.php/344032/karnataka-government-ends-weekend-curfew-in-districts-bordering-kerala-maharashtra/
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