The Tamil Nadu government on Monday announced timings for bursting of green crackers in the morning and evening of Deepavali Day. The timings are 6 a.m.-7 a.m. and 7 p.m.-8 p.m. In compliance with the Supreme Court’s directions, the time slots were designated during 2018, 2019 and 2020 too.
An advisory from the Secretary, Environment, Forest and Climate Change, also mentioned a list of don’ts: avoid bursting of joined (serial) crackers which created huge noise pollution; avoid bursting of crackers in ‘silence areas’ such as hospitals, schools, courts and religious places; and avoid bursting of crackers near huts and fire-prone areas. It also advised people to celebrate the festival responsibly so that their action did not pollute the environment.
It also recalled that the Supreme Court, ruling in a case in 2018, directed that crackers be made only with raw materials that would cut emissions. It also ordered the manufacture and sell of green crackers. The point was reiterated in the court order, dated October 29, 2021, which banned the use of barium salts, and joined crackers, it said. Bursting of certain crackers could have a severe adverse impact on human and animal health, it said.
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source https://earn8online.com/index.php/374379/two-hours-for-bursting-of-green-crackers/
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