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Pfizer’s Corona Vaccine Final Trial Up to 95% Effective!


The eyes of the entire world battling the Corona epidemic are set on the results of the vaccine. There are hundreds of trials going on all over the world. But meanwhile, on 16 November, the American pharmaceutical company Moderna gave good news about the vaccine trial. Moderna announced the good results of the trial, saying that up to 95 percent of his vaccine proved to be successful on Kovid-19 patients. Earlier, the American company Pfizer had also created a wave of happiness around the world by announcing the successful results of the vaccine. Pfizer had declared up to 90 percent success in the corona treatment of the vaccine.

According to the company, the vaccine worked well for older people. It also did not show any serious side effects. Pfizer is preparing to make 5 crore doses of vaccine this year. Pfizer found the vaccine to be 95% effective in preventing it from corona 28 days after the first dose of vaccine was given. The company says that with this success, it can achieve emergency approval from the US Food and Drug Administration (USFDA).

Pfizer's Phase 3 clinical trial began on 27 July. It consisted of 43,661 people. These were divided into two parts. The first group was given a placebo i.e. saline water and the second group was given the vaccine. When the first 170 cases of the corona were merged with both groups, they were studied. The study found that 162 out of 170 patients suffering from chorea were those who were given a placebo.

There were only 8 patients who were vaccinated. No safety Concern regarding Vaccines was revealed. Prior to the large-scale study, companies conducted small-scale clinical trials in May. In this, they tried four versions of the vaccine. The vaccine that had the lowest or moderate levels of side effects, such as fever or fatigue, was selected for the trial.

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