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Strong & Shapely Glutes | FitnessRX for Women


Spring starts this week, which means it’s time to get your butt in gear— literally! Before you know it, summer will be here, and you want to rock that bikini when the hot weather hits, right? Then start our Ultimate Butt Lift Program TODAY! If you do so, in just ten weeks, you will see results— a tight and toned booty in perfect time for beach weather.

The method used in this program works because it’s all about high-speed training— a scientifically based method that increases muscle tone, accelerates fat loss, and firms and shapes your bottom.

How to Use the Ultimate Butt Lift Program

• Do each pair of exercises without rest; rest one-minute, do the next pair of exercises, etc.
• Do this workout two times per week. On two other days per week, do a general weight-training program for developing the upper body and core muscles.
• Warm up for at least two minutes before doing any of these workouts.
• High-speed training can cause injury if you progress too rapidly. Start off with light weights and progress slowly.
• Incorporate all the elements of a healthy lifestyle that promote physical fitness, including healthy diet, stress management, adequate sleep, and a sensible exercise program that doesn’t promote overtraining.

High-speed training can cause injury if you progress too rapidly. Start off with light weights and progress slowly. Also, incorporate all the elements of a healthy lifestyle that promote physical fitness, including healthy diet, stress management, adequate sleep, and a sensible exercise program that doesn’t promote overtraining.


Descriptions of Exercises

Hip and Thigh Exercises:

Strong & Shapely Glutes - Dumbbell lunges

Plié (Sumo) squats

Stand with your feet placed about a foot wider than shoulder width and turned outward approximately 45 degrees. Squat down until your thighs are parallel with the floor. During the squat, hinge at the hips, pull your thighs outward, keep your weight on your heels, and maintain a neutral spine and head. When you reach the bottom of the squat, drive your hips forward, keep your chest out, and continue maintaining a neutral spine. Do this exercise as explosively as you can, while maintaining proper technique. After completing this exercise, immediately do lunge jumps without rest.

Jump lunges

From a standing position, jump into a lunge with your right leg in front of your left, and then jump up as hard as you can, landing in a lunge with your left leg in front of your right. You have completed one repetition when you have done a lunge on the left and right sides. Maintain a neutral spine during all phases of this exercise. Move as quickly and explosively as you can. After completing the jump lunges, rest one minute before doing the 1-leg squats.

One-leg squats

Stand with your right leg in front of your left, with your left foot placed on a low box or bench. You can hold onto a pole or chair to help maintain balance. Squat down until your right thigh is parallel with the ground. Maintain a neutral spine during this exercise. Do 10 reps with your right leg as explosively as you can, followed by 10 reps with the left leg. After completing one leg squats, immediately do burpees without rest.


This is a five-part exercise done as rapidly and explosively as possible. Stand up straight and reach for the ceiling. Squat down and place your hands on the floor in front of you. Drive your feet backwards until you are in a push-up position. Immediately drive your knees forward so that you are again in a squat position with your hands placed on the floor in front of you. Jump up as high as you can, extending your arms overhead. Repeat this exercise for 10 repetitions as fast and as explosively as you can. After completing the burpees, rest one minute before progressing to dumbbell front squats.

Dumbbell front squats

Holding a dumbbell in each hand at shoulder level, stand with your feet placed slightly wider than shoulder width apart with toes pointed outward at a 45° angle. Squat down until your thighs are parallel with the floor. During the exercise, hinge at the hips, drive your thighs to the sides, keep your weight on your heels, and maintain a neutral spine and head. When you reach parallel, drive forward with your hips, keep your chest out, and continue maintaining a neutral spine and head. Do this exercise as fast and explosively as you can, while maintaining good technique. After completing this exercise, immediately begin rope skipping without rest.

Rope skipping

Use a good-quality jump rope that is appropriate for your height. Skip rope as fast as you can for one minute. If you lose tempo, begin skipping immediately until you’ve completed one minute of the exercise. Rest one minute before beginning step-ups.


Stand facing a bench, with your right foot placed on the middle of the bench, right knee bent at 90°, and arms at your sides. Step up on the bench until your right leg is straight, maximizing the use of the hip muscles. Increase the intensity of the exercise by driving your left knee toward your chest. Return to the starting position. Keep your hips stable, back straight, chest up, shoulders back, and head neutral during the entire movement. Do this exercise as quickly and explosively as you can, while maintaining good technique. After completing this exercise, immediately do butt kickers without rest.

Butt kickers

Run in place as fast as you can for one minute, while driving your arms as fast as you can and kicking your butt with your heel during each stride. Rest one minute before beginning dumbbell lunges.

Dumbbell lunges

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and hands on your hips (or holding dumbbells). Lunge forward with one leg, bending it until the thigh is parallel to the floor. The heel of the lead leg should stay on the ground. Do not shift your weight too far forward and let the knee move out past the toes. Repeat the exercise using the other leg. Keep your back and head as straight as possible. Do 10 reps on each side. Do this exercise as rapidly and explosively as you can, while maintaining proper technique. After completing this exercise, immediately do butt kickers without rest.

Jump squats

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and knees bent slightly. Jump up and drive your arms upward. As you land, retract your arms and squat down, then jump up again as quickly and explosively as possible. Do 10 repetitions per set, without pausing between reps.

Strong & Shapely Glutes - Jump squats

Upper Body and Core Exercises

Seated dumbbell presses

From a seated position (bench or ball) and holding dumbbells at chest level, push the weights overhead until your arms are extended, and then return to the starting position (weight at your chest). Maintain a stable, neutral spine during the exercise. Do each repetition as rapidly and explosively as you can, while maintaining good technique.


Assume a push-up position, with arms extended, hands spaced shoulder-width apart, back straight and toes on the ground behind you. Lower your body with your arms until your chest touches the ground and then push up to the starting position. Do each repetition as rapidly and explosively as you can, while maintaining good technique.

Shoulder sunrise rotations

Stand with a dumbbell in each hand and arm straight down. Keeping your arms straight, bring the dumbbells up and around as if drawing a circle or ‘arc’ in the air. Touch at the top and ‘arc’ back down to the starting position. Do each repetition as rapidly and explosively as you can, while maintaining good technique.

Side lateral raises

From a standing position, with a dumbbell in each hand and arms straight, lift the weights on both sides until they reach shoulder level and then return to the starting position. Bend your arms slightly if your elbows hurt. Do each repetition as rapidly and explosively as you can, while maintaining good technique.

Knee-ins on a ball

From a prone position, assume a push-up position with your hands on the floor and your shins supported on an exercise ball. Draw your knees toward your abs, while maintaining contact with the ground and exercise ball. Do each repetition as rapidly and explosively as you can, while maintaining good technique.

V-ups on a step

Sit on a bench or step and draw your knees toward your chest, stabilizing your body with your hands. Extend your legs in the air and then return to the starting position by driving your knees to your chest. Do each repetition as rapidly and explosively as you can, while maintaining good technique.

Bicycle exercise

Lie flat on the floor on your lower back with your hands beside your head. Bring your knees toward your chest to about a 45° angle and make a bicycle-pedaling motion with your legs, touching your left elbow to your right knee, then your right elbow to your left knee. Do each repetition as rapidly and explosively as you can, while maintaining good technique.

Glute Stretches

Seated crossover stretch

From a seated position, extend your right leg with your left foot bent but crossed over it with the foot flat on the floor. With your right hand, grab the outside of your left knee and twist your torso and look behind. Your left hand may rest on the ground behind your buttocks for support and extra stretch.

Lying glute stretch

Lying on your back with knees bent, cross the right leg over the left. Grab the back of your left knee with both hands and pull your legs toward your chest. You should feel the stretch in your right hip and glute. Switch legs and repeat on the other side. Use a towel or stretching rope to assist you if you can’t reach behind your knee.

Seated glute stretch

Sitting on a bench, cross your right leg over your left. Draw your chest toward your leg and feel the stretch in your right hip and glute. Switch legs and repeat on the other side.

Standing glute stretch

This exercise is similar to the seated glute stretch, except it’s done standing. Stand with the outside of your left ankle placed just above your right kneecap. Bend forward until you feel a stretch in your butt muscles. This exercise will also strengthen your lower body muscles.

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