The cool and windy energy of Autumn encourages us to slow down, draw our focus inside, and stock up our inner resources for the winter ahead. The fall is a vital time to re-energize, renew, and revitalize through our yoga practice. Traditional Chinese Medicine associates the season of autumn with the energy of the Lungs, and many of the videos in this month’s collection focus on opening and strengthening the chest and upper body. We hope you find a deep sense of nourishment, inner-strength, and resilience with this collection of free yoga videos for October.
Yoga for Neck and Shoulders by YOGATX
If you suffer from upper back pain and tension then check out this 11-minute sequence of yoga stretches for the neck and shoulders. This video is done in a seated position so you could also do this practice at work in your office chair. You can also use this class as an upper-body warm-up before practicing other yoga videos.
Yoga for Wrists, Neck & Upper Body by Yoginimelbourne
This 22-minute practice targets the wrists, neck, and upper body with simple movements and basic yoga poses. This video will provide a deep release to any pain, weakness, or soreness in your arms, wrists, neck, and shoulders. The class ends with a guided relaxation in Supine Bound Angle pose and Shavasana.
Yoga for Upper Body Flexibility by Rachel Pichler Yoga
This 19-minute class uses basic seated and floor poses to deeply stretch the neck, wrists, and shoulders and to open the chest and heart center. This slow and gentle sequence is suitable for beginners or anyone needing to nourish and revitalize the upper body. The class ends with Child’s pose and a few neck stretches in Sukasana.
Restorative Yoga for Chest and Upper Back by Yoga With Bird
You will need a yoga block and firm pillow or folded blankets to fully participate in this yoga video. This 20-minute restorative yoga class is designed to release upper body tension and tightness. Puppy dog pose and a supported Fish pose are used to gently but deeply open the heart and chest to improve breathing function and reduce back pain. The class ends with a spine twist and Shavasana.
Renew: Vinyasa to Yin Yoga Flow by Jen Hilman
The intention of this 30-minute practice is “to renew our focus through breath, body, and movement.” The class begins and ends in Child’s pose, allowing you to draw your attention internally and to connect with the rhythm and flow of your breath. This slow-flowing sequence with clear and abundant cueing would be suitable for beginners or anyone who wants a slow and soothing yoga practice.
Ground & Release Yoga Vinyasa Flow by Jessica Richburg
This 55-Minute full-length vinyasa class focuses on balancing postures to root and ground and hip-opening postures to release stress and tension. The video begins with a gentle seated warm-up and ends with a reclined cool down sequence and savasana. Modifications are given for beginners as well as seasoned practitioners.
Intermediate Full Body Yoga Workout by YogaCandi
This 35-minute practice is intended “to help strengthen and stretch the entire body and relax the mind.” Yoga poses like Crow pose and Boat pose are used to build core strength, Yogi Squat opens the hips, Big Toe Hold will challenge your balance, and Forward Fold pose will deeply stretch and open the back body. This video is best suited for experienced students as it uses minimal instruction.
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